
You and I have a lot to talk about.

Do you walk into a store and are overwhelmed with where to start and what clothes to try on?

Do you head to the stores try on clothes and walk out feeling fat and ugly?

Have you gone from Corporate Glam to Sloppy Mom and don't know how to look good again?

My clients come to me overwhelmed and lacking self- esteem because they have no time to shop, the entire experience creates stress for them and when they do venture out, they end up feeling that nothing fits right or looks good on them. Sound familiar?

I get it. I really do. I had a high profile corporate job that was challenging, fast paced and afforded me international travel opportunities and speaking engagements. I wore the cute skirts, jackets and kitten heels and was rocking my style and feeling great! I was working in a field I loved and was helping others which is a real passion of mine. Eventually though, I transitioned into a new role- that of Mom and CEO of the household. My body underwent changes and try as I might, I suffered a real loss of identity. While I continued to work out, stay active in my community helping others and even returned to work for a while in the public sector, it wasn't until the introduction of cabi into my life that I unearthed my journey back to style which resulted in my becoming an Image Coach and Personal Stylist.

I have been where you are and understand how you feel. Believe me when I tell you- I have found a solution- I can help you, so you too, can be Styled with Confidence.

Book your 30 minute in-person consultation here, or check out my services for more info.
Let's Talk

Style Yourself Confident

 Uncover your Personal Fashion Style Personality
Work With Me
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